


The need for delivery of real world graphics has become more complex and application delivery methods have become more diffuse with increasing complexity.  In Eagle  we responded to these needs by "opening-up" programming methodologies and formats. Developers have found productivity gains by utilizing the EagleEPI (EPI) and LibEagle (API) as a means of accessing Eagle core structures and functions. A natural consequence of this decision is the implementation of COM/DCOM support the EagleActiveX component and extended ActiveX server capabilities.

What is Eagle ActiveX

EagleActiveX embeds Eagle graphics and functions in OCX compliant containers and applications which support this technology.    Component Object Model, or COM, is a Microsoft platform for software components. It is used to enable cross-application communication and dynamic object creation in any programming language that supports the technology. COM is often used in the software development world as an umbrella term that encompasses the OLE, ActiveX, COM+ and DCOM technologies. ActiveX is a set of technologies that lets you build real business applications for the Internet and intranets that run across multiple platforms. Developers can write these applications using the programming languages C, C++, and Java and run these applications across platforms. Embracing both Java and OLE object technology, ActiveX provides promising Internet Eagle OCX ActiveX schemaand intranet capabilities while extending and capitalizing upon existing customer investments.

EagleActiveX embraces Internet standards and moves Eagle in the Internet beyond static documents to provide users with a more interactive, exciting, and useful experience. EagleActiveX gives developers and Web producers a rich component for innovative 2D/3D applications using Eagle functions.  The EagleActiveX component is pluggable into Visual Studio and therefore can be utilized in the full range of programmer technologies packaged there. An application could well be a web page running in a compliant browser, written in VBScript, JavaScript or Java and accessing the API functionality through the ActiveX programming model.



  • Eagle functions packages as a component
  • Develop leading edge graphics solutions
  • Robust and reliable core technology
  • Experienced providing real world solutions
  • Plug in to Visual Studio
  • Visual Basic, C, C++ and Java applications
  • Web interfaces with Eagle graphics capabilities
  • Integrate into your existing developments
  • Concentrate on required solution
  • Open and extendable platform
  • Open Eagle capabilities to different programming environments


Eagle ActiveX is delivered as a signed trusted ActiveX component with V12 compatibility.  The component is self-installing with cabinet file and setup which requires one-time only registration. 


If you are an ISV (Independent Software Vendor), Enterprise Developer, Equipment Manufacturer or Educator and want to develop or integrate leading edge 2D/3D graphics in your application using world class software Eagle is the right choice.


Contact us today for more information. At the same time why not try an Eagle CDS product evaluation and how to avail of our free consultation on Eagle with Python and how we can help implement enterprise quality graphics in your application.

How EagleActiveX works

Once downloaded on the client and registered, the EagleActiveX component will allow Visual C/C++, Visual Basic, web page code to create an Eagle graphic window and execute an Eagle application to visualize and interact with 2D/3D data. The possibilities are endless so now many more programmers can harness the power of Eagle 3D graphics and services within their own preferred development platform without having to program within the Eagle macro language or the EPI (API).

EagleActiveX differs from Eagle in other ways, but is no less powerful, simply packaged differently. Eagle typically handles all interfacing and service functions whereas EagleActiveX was designed to harness the power of the graphics engine from within the compliant application. The GUI and services are not been included because it is only logical that the OCX container application should manage these features natively in a manner with which the developer is already familiar whilst EagleActiveX component displays the graphics information.  EagleActiveX is embeddable with an FTP mode for model data files.

Using EagleActiveX the EagleGL programmer can broaden horizons by migrating or implementing an existing Eagle application inside a Visual Basic, Java, MFC, .NET, Delphi or HTML/DHTML utilizing the easily understood interface (incorporating Initialize, Terminate, GetVariable, SetVariable, ParserCall) where the OCX is driven with calls to the Eagle parser using recognizable Eagle commands and macro calls.


Eagle as an OCX/ActiveX Server

Programmers can use also ActiveX technology within Eagle because it too can act as a host container for components.  EagleEye functionality included in all current major Eagle releases provides the necessary framework to implement this server technology. Any one of thousands of available components can be integrated directly into Eagle as a separate window, a panel component or additional technology.  Off the shelf or bespoke processes run inside Eagle controlled by the Eagle based application and user GUI. EagleEye is an ActiveX container and complies with all the requirements for a standard Windows ActiveX container. If your code is already based on MFC which adheres to this model, the presentation can then be ported to Eagle and the logic reorganized as a DLL or more effectively as a component, where the functionalities are exposed through an API-like interface.

Secure and reliable

Security is a prime concern for any organization and precautions can be taken to ensure that application and data. Developers and administrators can limit domain or zone usage, protect private information over the network or implement data type security methods.  For our part we have ensured that the EagleActiveX component is certified and fully signed to deflect possible interference in the released component.  Our licensing mechanism can also be implemented to ensure that no unauthorized processes are started on servers.